Life Bytes

Santubong Trip

It’s been a while since i last made a post in my humble blog. Nothing much happening actually, apart from

Life Bytes

Six Weird Things About Me

Well, Esther tagged me and it’s time for me to tag someone else. And if you’re wondering what the heck is

Life Bytes

Well well….

Been a hectic week. Tomorrow i’m going to present my FYP findings at CLS. Well, nothing much really since i’ve

Life Bytes

There it goes again….

Yeah, just one week after coming back for the second half of the semester, have been piled with many many

Life Bytes

Wow, that was fast!

I can’t imagine that i’ll be flying back to Kuching soon. Tomorrow, will be taking a 5-hour bus ride from

Life Bytes

Happy Chinese New Year!

Nothing much to post. Hehe. Been doing some house cleaning as well as home deco!! Haha. Will snap a few

Life Bytes

120 Minutes of Entertainment

Oh God! Woke up as early as 3.30am (the fact that i slept at 2am shows how early that was),