Well, Esther tagged me and it’s time for me to tag someone else. And if you’re wondering what the heck is this tagging game, here is the explanation

List 6 weird things about oneself then find 6 friends to tag. When you tag someone you need to leave a comment that says “you’ve been tagged!” in their comment section, point them to your blog post explaining the rules and ask them to tag another 6 friends.

::Sigh:: Here goes the confession of my 6 “weirdest” self…

  1. I can touch my nose with my tongue. And yes, I have both my front teeth.
  2. I have two different pillows that go under my legs at night. One large one for when I sleep on my back. One small one for when I sleep on my side. And I rotate them as I rotate positions. Which I do. Over and over and over again. 😛
  3. I generally read magazines/newspapers backwards, starting with the last article first.
  4. Despite my size, i can finished a 100-m sprint race in less than 12 seconds. Not bad huh??
  5. I have never eaten a Big Mac!!
  6. Last yet significantly powerful is that I keep attracting weirdos. I don’t know how did I grow it, but it never fails me. I have met so many weird and interesting people, I wish I kept a list somewhere to track them. They really lightens up my life…

In return, I tag the following cronies: KakakDegil, PinYong, Victoria, Irwandy, Mag, SiewJing.

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