Life Bytes

The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one

Life Bytes

3 Job Offers in One day!!!

Now i’m confused! Received calls from Cosmopoint and UMK today. Both had contacted me in March but all seemed desperately want me

Life Bytes

Back at Home

Well, am now back at my hometown, Tanah Merah. Nothing much to blog, wait until i warm up those fingers.

Life Bytes


Yes, tomorrow is the final exam paper that i’ve going to sit after 4 years in the TESL Programme! It

Life Bytes


Yesterday I discovered kindness in myself. Today i see how beautiful and soulful i am. Yesterday i discovered kindness in

Life Bytes

Ke mana perginya gembira

Oh, ke mana perginya gembira? Kenapa tiba-tiba rasa gembira itu hilang dari sanubari ku. Benarkah kata ibuku yang gembira akan hilang

Life Bytes


Last night I spent ages looking at old photos from school. It has made me feel really emotional. I couldn’t even