Current Issues

What BN Should Learn from Election 2008

Well well, guess everyone is having a big discussion as to how the opposition or Barisan Rakyat managed to snap

Life Bytes


Oh my God, days with no single blog post! How can I even go through that! Yeah, i’ve been busy

Current Issues

Four Reasons Not To Vote!

Alas, today is nomination day for Malaysia’s 12th general election. And as election day is getting nearer and nearer, the

Current Issues Life Bytes

Of Indecisiveness, Commitment and Election

Remember when you were a child?  I’m sure you remember something about your childhood, so let me be a little

Life Bytes

Nuffnang’s Pajama Party – Ladies’ Pajama Guide

I guess practically all Nuffnangers are busy cracking their heads to think of the most creative way to won a

Current Issues

Parliment Dissolved, Election On!

Well, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has announced that Parliament has been dissolved, paving the way for the

Life Bytes

Love Poem for a Fat Girl…

Have you ever done a search on Google or Yahoo! for phrases like “chua soi lek friendster layout“? If so,