Life Bytes

Youth08 – We are the TrendSetters!

Alright, to all Malaysian youths out there. It’s time to gather around and make our voice heard! Oh yeah, it’s

Current Issues Life Bytes

Malaysia08: Looking forward to a better year

Well oh well, we have come towards the final days of year 2007. It’s a meaningful year for Malaysia of

Current Issues

Flood Versus Election

Well, it’s been yet another terrible “year-end period” for those living in states hit by extreme floods. Yeah, water, water everywhere.

Life Bytes

Arsenal’s First Defeat of The Season

As predicted, it’s a tough December for the young Gunners. Playing away from home four in a trot, loosing some

Current Issues

Malaysia – An Exam-Oriented Nation?

Whenever the word “kiasu” is mentioned, people will immediately think of Singapore and of course Singaporeans’ all-must-win attitude. But hey,

Current Issues

Malaysian varsities fail to make top 200

I read this article (shown below) from NST and thought that the situation highlighted should have been expected since nothing

Life Bytes

Big Day for Young Guns

Tonight will be the decisive clash between Man Utd and Arsenal, a match that would perhaps decide whether Arsenal are