Quite a number of companies or organisation utilise IBM Lotus Notes suite to provide several tools for their staff including private emails. However, the problem with this is that the size of each mail account is rather limited and users would have to constantly clear up older mails to save up space. Hence, they might have problems keeping some important ones. Some would do backup or replication while some would do manual forwarding to webmail accounts.

Well, luckily Lotus Notes app provides rules function that you can use to do several preassigned tasks. Here I would like to share how to Auto Forward your Lotus Notes mails to other Webmails such as GMail, Yahoo Mail or Hotmail.

Step by Step

1. Launch the Lotus Notes Mail App after logging in to your account

2. Locate the “Rules” under “Tools” on the Tree Menu (Left). Click the link.

3. The Rules screen will appear.  Then, click “New Rule”.

4. Now, you need to inform Lotus Notes the condition that you want to set. If you would like to forward all emails without any exception, under the Create Condition, locate and select “all documents“.

5. Then Click the “Add” button on the right. You will see “When: All Documents” condition appear in the conditions box.

6. Now, you need to specify the action. Under Specify Action, locate “Send Copy To” and select it. Make sure the second option is “full” and not “headers only”. This would allow the mail to be forwarded in full.

7. Then, under the Send Copy To, specify your webmail address. Once done, click Add Actions.

8. You will see “send Full Copy to youraccount@email.com” under “perform the following actions” column.

9. Finally, click OK and you’ll see the rules added to your mail account.

So, all mails will now be forwarded to your webmails. You can use this as a way to keep a backup of the mails sent to you Lotus Notes account. However, if the Lotus Notes server is down when a mail is sent to your, the attempt to forward the mail to your webmails may be distrupted. Hence, some of the mails may not be auto forwarded.  Happy Trying!

In the next tutorial, I will explain how to setup Lotus Notes Mail directly in GMail. Which means you can use GMail as your main platform to access your Lotus Notes email account.


  • Minh Nguyen, November 11, 2010 @ 1:35 pm Reply

    My company also uses Lotus Notes and I find this tip to be very helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  • michael, January 23, 2011 @ 6:44 am Reply

    very nice it works but can i use the same gmail account which i receive the mails in it to reply on my work lotus notes mail

    • KeeMan, January 24, 2011 @ 8:44 am Reply

      Michael, for that to work, you’ll have to add your Lotus Notes Mail into your GMAIL account using POP.

  • Iain, February 8, 2011 @ 6:08 pm Reply

    Hi, I have followed your instructions above but it does not work, could my company put a block on it?



    • KeeMan, February 15, 2011 @ 10:03 pm Reply

      Hi there, yes the forwarding is largely depending on your server settings. Your web admin might enable firewall that blocks auto-sending to external emails.

  • Shreekrishna, July 25, 2011 @ 8:19 pm Reply

    I want to forward all mail to my gmail account. But in my lotus notes, Under Specify Action, “Send Copy To” option is not their.

    Please help what to do?

    Please help.

  • julio, October 19, 2011 @ 6:55 pm Reply

    Thank you!

  • Muneer, April 14, 2013 @ 11:17 pm Reply

    is it necessary to login with ADMIN account ??.. Can client can do the same..??
    anyone pls help..!

    • KeeMan, April 25, 2013 @ 8:00 am Reply

      Which part Muneer? Client can do the same if you just want to forward your emails, unless your admin disabled the features.

  • Jinesh, October 8, 2013 @ 8:49 pm Reply

    Autoforward rule is not working in my case

    • KeeMan, December 8, 2013 @ 4:41 pm Reply

      Any reason for that? Did you turn it on?

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