If you’re new to HTML5, then you should explore it now as it is going to be a very powerful markup language. HTML5 is a major revision of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1 and though still under development, its capabilities have been showcased to the world. Many have touted that HTML5 will slowly replace Flash for web animation though Flash would still be useful for complex games and internet application. Here are 5 stunning demos that shows you what HTML5 can do.

Flickr and Canvas in 3D


Liquid Particles

Ball Pool

Cloth Simulation

If you’re interested to learn more about HTML5, do check out diveintohtml5.org

[Updated] You should also check out http://tv.clicker.com/ which is coded in HTML5 (Thanks to Feicipet for the tip)


  • feicipet, July 28, 2010 @ 1:20 pm Reply

    Ok lah, these are still in the realm of technology showcases. I remember seeing some music/media service that was completely coded in HTML5 and blew any desktop app I’ve seen away.

    • KeeMan, July 28, 2010 @ 1:23 pm Reply

      Yeah! More and more reason why FLASH is not needed! Haha

  • feicipet, July 28, 2010 @ 1:23 pm Reply

    ah, alright, it should be this one: http://tv.clicker.com/

    now THAT’s a full package showcase πŸ™‚

    • KeeMan, July 28, 2010 @ 1:24 pm Reply

      Thanks for sharing. Will add that in.

  • Jim, August 2, 2010 @ 4:54 pm Reply

    if u all r waiting for HTML 5, u all r damn stupid, go read wikipedia, dis is juz the draft, not even prototype yet, it will be at least 2022 b4 u start to c HTML5 sites, so wait long long la, c there is hw many loyal Steve Job supporters to use HTML5 on iPhone8 or 9(if iPhone brand is still thr at dat time). Btw, Android, Microsoft, and other “dumb” phones from Nokia, Sony Ericson, Samsung etc already natively support Flash.. haha.. u r juz being brain wash by Mr Steve to buy an overpriced piece phone that has more use for glamour and show off than any other good use.. LOL

    • KeeMan, August 2, 2010 @ 5:38 pm Reply

      Hi Jim, I don’t quite understand why this post is linked to iPhone at all. For your info HTMl5 is useful for web developer trying to do simple animation by reducing loading speed, which is the idea of this post.

    • feicipet, August 2, 2010 @ 11:58 pm Reply

      So can I assume that you’ve actually used Flash on one of those “other” phones? I’m toting a 1GHz Snapdragon Android phone and when I fire up a Flash-loaded page, the browser’s RAM usage shoots up to above 100MB which is a lot, considering that my total RAM is 512MB. Face it, it’s nice to have a choice to run Flash if you really want to, but it’s not something that most mobile users would want to.

      Adobe needs to rework Flash to use way less resources if it has a chance in hell of becoming a viable mobile platform. And I’m not gonna just trust a single private enterprise of doing so while I wait. Currently HTML5 remains the only vendor-agnostic platform to develop rich web media that is built from grown up to cater for mobile devices’ limited resources, no matter what the level of maturity is.

      Besides, nowhere did KeeMan say that it’s ready for prime time. And having said that, the sooner we have more HTML5-aware application, the better.

  • Kidd, August 2, 2010 @ 11:37 pm Reply

    LOL….Jim, if you wanna start an anti-iphone campaign, do it elsewhere. This is not the place. πŸ˜›

  • Ah Mike, September 7, 2010 @ 1:22 pm Reply

    Uoohh can’t wait to see the finished product of HTML5!

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