Gadgets Reviews

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge – More than Meets The Eyes

Meet Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, one of the best smartphones in 2015!  Metal and glass give the Samsung Galaxy S6

Gadgets Reviews Tech & Web

Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Review

The iPhone 6 and huge iPhone 6 Plus have been doing great in the market due to its excellent feastures.

Gadgets Reviews Tech & Web

Otterbox Defender for Galaxy S4: Your Adventure’s Companion

Following my first post on Otterbox Defender for Samsung Galaxy S4, I have spent about two weeks using the solid

Gadgets Reviews

ZTE Acqua V880E Review – Fluid and Frills-Free Smartphone

ZTE (or used to be known as Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment Corporation) is not a newcomer in the mobile or telco industry,

Internet Tech & Web

BolehVPN Review: Unblock, Unthrottle and Unlimited Satisfaction

There are many Virtual Private Network (VPN) services out there that claim to offer a lot of benefits but you

Reviews Tech & Web

MilkADeal Mobile App for iOS and Android: Milk It, Love It!

If you have been using MyKouponz app, then MilkADeal app is nothing new to you. It’s another daily deal app

Apps Tech & Web

MyKouponz for Android: A Must-Have for Deals Lovers

Good news for shopping goers who wants to save more and get the best deals in town! Now you can