There are not many iPhone apps developer companies in Malaysia and one that really stands out of the crowd is Terato Tech, a MSC-status company based in Bangi, Selangor. Headed by the visionary Reza Razali, the company consists of young and talented mobile apps enthusiasts. Their philosophy is simple, which is to find that fresh something in every little thing they do. A philosophy that has driven them to develop apps which are not only related to Malaysians but also with global view of creativity and innovation.


Mobile Apps that They Developed

Terato Tech has so far developed several apps directly catering for the local market. You can click on the following image to view their products in detail.

One notable product is of course the "1Malaysia HotLines" App, which was ranked No.1 in the Top 25 Free Apps in Malaysia, as ranked by Apple App Store on 16 April 2010

They have also won the Most Promising iPhone Application Award 2009 by Maxis, and winner for the Mobile Category for MSC Malaysia IP Creators Challenge Series (IPCC) 2009 by MDEC and MSC Malaysia.

You can get more details about Terato Tech from their website –

I personally see the mobile apps market is growing fast and I reckon Terato Tech will fulfill such needs with their open and innovative approach. Good Luck to Reza and the gang, and of course, Good Luck to Terato Tech!


  • Teratotech, April 28, 2010 @ 4:16 pm Reply

    Thank you for mentioning us! =)

  • jacob, November 2, 2011 @ 12:57 pm Reply

    i wish to learn this course, did you all open for a lesson?? cause i’m finding iphone and ipad application development in malaysia.

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