Google has announced on its Nexus One blog, that the shipment of the Android smartphone that arrives this week will be its last batch to go on sale. The phone will not be available to US customers anymore but will however still be available in certain parts of Europe, Asia through carrier partners such as Vodaphone and KT. I guess this is inevitable since Google’s unlocked Nexus One smartphone is not widely accepted particularly in the US.

Google Nexus One (Powered by HTC) is one of the earliest Android “superphone” to hit the market with Android 2.0 and Android 2.2. Despite its positive reviews, it failed to gain good sales figure. Google Nexus One is also very similar to HTC Desire and sales for HTC Desire has been very good. Anyway, perhaps Google should just concentrate on further improving Android OS than jumping into the “phonemaker” category. Rest in peace Nexus One!

Note: Support on Nexus One for existing customers will still be continued.

1 Comment

  • ZoOL, July 22, 2010 @ 10:11 pm Reply

    Urgh!!! I want it!!

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