Virtual business card is getting more and more popular. I personally use it very often these days. Instead of handling out printed card, I normally give out my URL which users can bookmark on their browsers or save it to their email contacts. It allows you to update your details and info from time to time as well and it looks cleaner than Facebook or Friendster profile.
Now, you can get one for free at It is a new service which you can create splash-page style one-page websites for your online profile. You can have your picture, your bio and links to your other social profiles. It also comes with your own personal analytics such as your total number of status updates on Facebook and number of Tweets.
It is currently in private mode so you can’t create profiles yet but they do allow you to reserve your names – if the username you are looking for is available, they’ll reserve it for you and will send you a confirmation over email. Reserve now!
You can visit the About.Me page of the co-founders: Om Malik, Lindsay Campbell,Tony Conrad and Ryan Chris