I think the whole world is still stunned with Susan Boyle’s performance on Britain’s Got Talent 2009. She sang brilliantly the song I dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables and her clips on YouTube has achieved way beyond 40 millions hit. I know everyone is amazed with her voice despite her appearance that looks like an old unemployed nanny.

I have to say, the moment when I saw her on stage, I knew she’s going to do some miracles! (Just as Simon admitted). Remember Paul Potts? The winner last year? He amazed us as well despite his looks. The fact that many of us would be surprised with her talents, showed how cynical we are towards people that "doesn’t look pleasant" to the eyes. We see the flaws in others but not ourselves. We boast of our own beauty and talents but rarely acknowledge others’. It’s human nature, some would say. Perhaps. But the least we could do is to break that stereotypical views, not just appearance, but also age, race and gender. Anyone can do anyhing if they do their best to achieve it.

I leave this post with a video on the song. Can’t post Susan Boyle’s due to copyright issues. Enjoy the song and lyrics.


  • Cyril Dason, April 25, 2009 @ 10:23 am Reply

    Don’t really follow these sort of talent shows anymore…

    but I do feel that beauty is needed for glamor..

  • BooNMiNG, April 25, 2009 @ 9:09 pm Reply

    hi !! susan boyle is a nice woman.. but she was exposed too much and stole all the lime light… unfair to other contestant … another britain’s got talent that worth to watch is a 12 year-old kid SHAHEEN … go have a watch!!

    i support the kid 100%!!! 🙂

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