It’s Earth Hour 2010 and I think Malaysians are beginning to be aware of this event this year compared to previous years, especially when there are more local companies involved in green campaigns like tree planting, recycling (throughout the week) and of course turning off non-essential lights during the Earth Hour, 8.30-9.30p.m. (local time). Well, this is not a post to explain the campaign in a thesis-like manner. I just want to say that Earth Hour is more than just a "Lights Off" campaign. It’s not just about switching the light for that 1 hour but rather the awareness on saving our planet Earth. Well, I won’t be nagging you all on this, you all know better. Haha.

So, Save The Planet! By practising energy saving everyday. On another note, this blog will be turned off during the Earth Hour as a show of support for the campaign. You’ll see the following splash page appears on this domain once the clock hits 8.30p.m. sharp (Malaysian Time GMT+8).


"Save Energy, Save The Planet!"

Sarawak Bloggers support this campaign as well.


  • Cyril, March 27, 2010 @ 9:43 pm Reply

    Nicely done bro.. 🙂

  • Syuxx, March 28, 2010 @ 5:52 pm Reply

    Wow, your EarthHour spalsh page is so awesome.

  • KeeMan, March 29, 2010 @ 11:43 am Reply

    Cyril and Syuxx: Hahaha…ok thanks. Nothing much lah. SImple splash.

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