Like they always say, a picture tells a thousand words. I found this interesting picture from the Next Web. According to the Next Web, the words inked on the man’s arm are what appear on a Windows machine’s monitor when it crashes. For geeks the world over, the ‘Blue Screen of Death’  is a terrifying sight to behold, and this unnamed young man decided he would like to have it permanently displayed on his arm.


Look, we love computers and spend most of our waking lives plugged in, but is it really necessary to permanently ink yourself with Microsoft’s failure? Hahaha….


  • Erlinda, September 17, 2009 @ 5:57 pm Reply

    the hair on his armpits attract me more than the tattoo.. 😛 😛

  • KeeMan, September 18, 2009 @ 4:23 pm Reply

    Hhahahaha…Lin Lin Lin….

  • Rey, November 2, 2010 @ 5:03 pm Reply

    Hahaha… this really sucks when put this one your arm… MS fails!!!

    by tribal dragon tattoos

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