I discovered Uncyclopedia.org by accident, a site which claimed to the parody for Wikipedia.org.
And a quick search for the keyword "Malaysia", will give you this:
Now, read through every single fact on that site about Malaysia. It may sound painful, but most of the facts are truthful enough that many Malaysians tend to deny. What attracts me the most is the Samy Vellu list of famous quotes:
- Samy Velu on pos laju "BESOK KIRIM, HARI INI SAMPAI"
- Samy while ashamed "Kemaluan saya besar"
- Samy on drugs campaign, "Jangan hisap dada"
- Samy on national television "Toll naik sikit, Manyak marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll saya punya bapa punya kah!"
- Samy on his modesty: "sebenarnya, kemaluan saya Sangat-sangat besar"
Well, enjoy reading the rest of the page! And of course, any comments, you may post it here. Hahaha.. 🙂