It’s been a while since i last wrote a poem. It was last night during family CNY reunion dinner that I suddenly got an inspiration to write one. So here goes:

After a long absense
After months of waiting
It’s time for your presence
It’s time for celebrating

A warm welcome
A how do you do
Words of kindness
And comfort too

A perfect little unit
So happy all in place
From old to little kids
Show each loving face

It’s a family dinner
Discussions of your day
Saying you need not be thinner
Making that frown go away

Before going to bed
A goodnight is always said

A family we’ll be
A family, forever will be.

Happy Chinese New Year to all!


  • x, February 7, 2008 @ 6:59 pm Reply

    sweet, i like it

    and that’s hot 😛

    happy Chinese new year

  • 3POINT8, February 8, 2008 @ 12:12 am Reply

    A family man indeed.
    Loved the last 2 line

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