Oh well, looking at how Esther expressing her boredom triggers me to express mine as well. Hehehe. As for today, it is perhaps my least productive day ever. Why?

I woke up at 7.30 am today, walking towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean myself up. I went back to my room. On my way there, my knee had a slight itch. I reached out my hand and scratched the knee in question. The itch was relieved and i was able to walk back to my room. The next thing i know, i was yawning. And so, i put my body back on my bed and slept. At 4pm sharp, i woke up!!

Yeah, that was the day that was….

P/s: Oh yeah, was so happy that Nicol Ann David managed to defend her World Title! You Rocks Nic!

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