Hello friends, i know some of you must be wondering what had happened to me for the past few months. Well, to tell you the truth, i was rather busy with my studies and some club activities. And due to some problem within my faculty, a lot of unexpected things happened, causing a lot of chaos. Anyhow, glad that everything is back to normal. We’re moving to the new campus as well, this time, it sounds serious and the library is already being moved there. This is the first post for the new blog theme, you can still check back on the old posts by clicking on the link above.

Till then, Gong xi fa cai! Happy Chinese New Year! 🙂

P/s: The splash page of keemanxp.com is actually the old splash page for my first ever personal homepage back in 1 Feb 2000. To mark the 6th anniversary, i use it again for this new blog!

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