It’s been a long time since i last blogged. Anyway, it’s not that i don’t want to but i just can’t find some time to go to the Jinki cyber cafe and log in to my blog. Been busy with teaching practice here. Posted to the notorious school of SMK Sungai Tapang, it’s been a rather interesting experience for me. Haha, it seems like i learn more than i teach. I have two semester left, meaning i’m in my final year and going to deal with the Fatal Year Project. Have been doing some planning for my FYP, but still struggling to decide where exactly to start. Arrhhh…enough of studies, world cup is coming and i’m going to enjoy every moment of it!!!!

1 Comment

  • pinyong, June 20, 2006 @ 5:34 am Reply

    hey, how come u nv inform us about new blog page, i still clicking at your old web and wonder how bz your are, not updating your blog for such a long time.

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