Life Bytes

Tun Dr M’s voice: The Rule of Law

Was reading Dr M's blog ( this morning, and his article as cited below caught my attention. It's true that…

16 years ago

Love Thyself

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you…

16 years ago

Food Not Enough Kah?

I guess everyone is clear that the prices of food products around the world is rising high of late. Everyone…

16 years ago

Tips to Remain INSANE!

I really need to apologise to all my faithful readers (assuming i have about 10..hehe), especially to those who regularly…

16 years ago

Voice: Form or Letter Not Sufficient to Inform Conversion

by Jayapragas Gnaniah  In response to Govt to have regulation for converts to inform family(The Star, 10 April 2008) Kudos…

16 years ago

The Painful Facts about Malaysia – 18PL

I discovered by accident, a site which claimed to the parody for And a quick search for the…

16 years ago

Tough tough week

Yeah, i know, i've not been blogging frequently of late. Thanks to my increasing workload and the trouble of getting…

16 years ago

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