Categories: Life Bytes

Tips to Remain INSANE!

I really need to apologise to all my faithful readers (assuming i have about 10..hehe), especially to those who regularly visit my blog to check what i’ve been up to. Well, I’ve not been able to blog that often. In fact, i can only manage a 4-hour sleep daily, except for an extra 2 hours on weekends. That’s the life i need to cope with when i’m studying and working at the same time. The decision to convert my master’s project to PhD seems to have increased the level of workloads as well as my participation in various freelance jobs, which include among others: final year project/theses consultation, editing, proofreading, web design, materials design as well as tutoring. Anyhow, i think there are people out there who suffer greater workload than me. So, here are some tips that might just help you to maintain a healthy level of Insanity:

1. Text/SMS to your own number with the message "Are you insane?"
2. Switch channel every 5 seconds and repeat until you fall asleep.
2. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Ketchup with that.
3. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It “In.”
4. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
5. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don’t Rhyme
6. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream “I Won!, I Won!”
7. Visit all stores in a shopping mall and start pretending you’re a millionaire who can’t be bothered to spend a penny on their stuff.
8. Watch The Apprentice, and start speculating when will Trump’s hair start to fall!
9. Start checking all the blogs available and leave a comment "I’ve been here!"

Haha….the best way to remain insane is by Smiling when other people are Frowning….


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  • used to drive with my pal..factory area and we horned every pakguard we saw..angkat tangan sekali..uuhh..they will (of course) raise hand us pretend that we knew each others..hehehe don't why laa...

  • Huh. But, U nid2b maintain ur 'sanity' 1st b4 u can actually Njoy ur 'insanity'. hehe. Still nid2 take k of our health to pursue wealth, ya?! Take k.

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