Life Bytes

What if there were no Women in this world?

I guess the debate regarding which gender is better has been haunting human for a very very long time. In…

16 years ago

The Voice of a Serial Dang-er

WARNING: What you're about to read may tease you, scare you or even haunt you for the rest of your…

16 years ago

Celebrate Every Day

Everyone is still buzzing around collecting ang pows, visiting relatives, or perhaps boasting your achievements to every old friends that…

16 years ago

A Family Forever

It's been a while since i last wrote a poem. It was last night during family CNY reunion dinner that…

16 years ago

I’ve got Tagged!

Oh yeah, here comes the tagging game again. Hehe. I just realised that Dazeree tagged me on 8 Matters. So…

16 years ago

Till Debts Do Us Part

Today, it's difficult to keep ourselves away from any form of financial debts. From educational loans to credit card repayment,…

16 years ago

Taking a break

Life's been crazy for the last two months. Though i might not seem busy at home, a lot of things…

16 years ago

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