Categories: Life Bytes

Food Not Enough Kah?

I guess everyone is clear that the prices of food products around the world is rising high of late. Everyone around the globe is talking about how to increase food production and stockpile and reduce food wastage. But hey ask Malaysians! The kings and queens of food heaven. Walk along any streets in Malaysia and you’ll find how "food" can be easily found. Bins and bins of "unfinished" rice, fried chickens, vegetables are common decoration behind Malaysian restaurants and food stalls. So, when you say that food supply in the world is drastically decreasing, a Malaysian would ask you back: "Food not enough meh? Tipulah!" or a more polite statement of  "Oh food not enough kah? I see. Never mind one, Malaysia got many many food."

While a large portion of the world populations is still fighting with food shortage and hunger, Malaysians are comfortably chewing their food and can have plenty to spare on their plates. Everytime i eat out, i notice how most Malaysians can leave at least half of whatever on their plate "untouched". I would love to see that one day, all food stalls and restaurants in Malaysia start charging for leftovers or even put a warning sign on their counters with lines like "MAKAN SAMPAI HABIS, KALAU TAK, KAMU MAKAN NAJIS" or "EAT WELL, EAT ALL, IF NOT GO TO H*LL AND PAY ALL". It’s really sad that such awareness are not inculcated to Malaysian since they’re young. Parents, for example, do not lead by example, allowing their children to be wasteful. At the very least, educate them to finish what’s on their plate and even if they can’t finish it, don’t throw it away, reuse what can be reuse. My mother used to reuse some of the leftover rice on our (my siblings and i) plates for "nasi goreng" and we don’t even realise that we’re eating back what we left. That made me realise how important it is not to be wasteful.

Well, the next time you’re thinking of throwing away your food or leftovers, think about people in other parts of the world who can barely eat a piece of bread, what’s more a Big Mac!


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  • yeah , u are correct dude..some of those ppl might be sleeping on a empty not waste ur food or ermm maybe just cook something tat need to membazir

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