Life Bytes

The Itch

Oh well, looking at how Esther expressing her boredom triggers me to express mine as well. Hehehe. As for today,…

18 years ago

Passion for Football?

Oh God....i'm losing the sense of enthusiam in watching football. Not because Arsenal is performing below par in the EPL…

18 years ago

Muddied Water

There it was again, the sound of fury Echoing from the vast paddy field and Pierced into my ears like…

18 years ago

Haha…miss me eh??

Hello friends, i know you all miss me, i'm such a lovable being. Haha. Just kidding. Anyway, i think i…

18 years ago

Back to YAHS

Yes! Finished my 11-week teaching practice in SMK Sungai Tapang. Well, it's a mixed feeling though. Been enjoying myself in…

18 years ago

Haha…Didn’t post for a long time

It's been a long time since i last blogged. Anyway, it's not that i don't want to but i just…

18 years ago

Hectic Hectic March

Well, it's a cliche, i know. But this month is one of the most hectic ones. Two mega projects coming,…

18 years ago

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