Sometimes, I pity AirAsia and its Staff

Malaysians are kind of "annoying"  sometimes, especially when they started to complain without "thinking". I mean serious thinking. In this particular case, I’m sharing my views on how Malaysians tend to complain to AirAsia and its staff when things go wrong. Being a low-cost airline, AirAsia has indeed allowed many people to fly to their favourite destinations at a cheaper cost, something that they wouldn’t have been able to do years back. Of course, I am not saying, they make no mistakes but sometimes it’s just not their fault. Let me share with you some examples that I personally encounter:

1. Complaining on unexpected delays

This is a very famous complaint done by AirAsia passangers, especially Malaysians. I noticed some Malaysians think that AirAsia is the only airline that experience constant delays as if other airlines don’t. From my experience, everytime I encounter flight delay with AirAsia, it was because of the bad weather. I wouldn’t want them to fly me on bad weather too!

Some goes to the extent of shouting the "F" word to the ground staff when hey, they are not the one controlling the aircraft! It’s also weird to note that, when they pay higher price for a seat in other full-fledged airlines, they don’t mind waiting during flight delays because they are flying with "high-class" airline (Paying more for waiting i guess..haha). Weird Malaysians!

2. Not getting low fare during promotion

"Stupid AirAsia, cheat people!" I always hear this everytime AirAsia launched a super low-fare campaign (and I bet you too). The thing is, people don’t "READ or LOOK CLOSELY". I noticed when they try to book, they didn’t note the travel period or even the included destinations. For example, when the promotion is for Sept 2010 to Feb 2011, they try to book for June 2010 and start yelling here and there over the expensive fare! They always vent their anger on the AirAsia Facebook page. Come on! If other people can get good fare, that means the offer is real! On another note, to get cheaper fare, always aim for low-season or book early. Plus, you can compare the fare with other airlines, rather than branding AirAsia as cheater. Besides, many people know it’s marketing strategy, yet  they pretend as if they got cheated. If you don’t "buy" their marketing act, then don’t book. Easy right? 🙂 Weird Malaysians!



3. Complaining about higher price for food on plane

To compare food price on the AirAsia plane and other places on the ground is somehow not right. The price would be higher due to the cost incurred to bring the food "on air". The same reason why food at Genting Highlands is higher than other places. But then again, you have the rights to choose NOT to buy anything on plane. It’s not like AirAsia flight attendants force you to buy. Then why bother to complain? Weird Malaysians!


Final Remarks

There are so much more to add, such as those "kiasu" syndrome of rushing to the front of the line for boarding when everyone has a seat number. You have the rights to choose other airlines. If you think AirAsia fare is expensive or their service is not up to par, then go for other airlines. Why keep booking from AirAsia then complain later? The only reason I can see is people still think AirAsia can offer much much lower price, and when they don’t get what they want, they start to vent their anger. When complaining, be reasonable. Complaints such as online booking failures, ground staff/flight attendant mistreatment, sudden flight cancellation, wrong payment methods are okay since its AirAsia’s fault or problem, which i think AirAsia really really need to improve. But when it comes to the above, sometimes I do pity AirAsia and its staff.

P/s: I am not associated with AirAsia or being paid by AirAsia. I am a consumer/customer who choose what is best for me. 🙂



View Comments

  • Wrong angle at the begining! The issue KeeMan brought up at the begining has already close the argument that "Other" airlines does not get complain? They do!! but the different is not many have notice or experincing this happening is because of the Ground Staff of other Air line are so well train to handling these situation and those angry customer.... AA are lack of Training in handling angry customers. That is why we hear and see so many casses. I do agree all arguments that some says AA has the most, and some says other Airlines face the same thing....

    Every Airline despite cheap or expensive ... face flight difficulties, but the different is AA does not hire good human resources to train their manpower and these leads them looking like a CHEAP Airlines.... They are not CHEAP Airlines...They just learn how to cut cost so that less expensive tickets are sold! AA should buckle up on Human resource trianing or else... lot more will be complaining.

    Lets say if I am at an angry stage whereby I complain, and the ground staff keeps on apologizing, over and over again, there is no point for me to argue or complain further cause there will not be any issue to argue about, however, just imagine the Ground staff giving me thousand and one reason why they delay and it is not their fault....!!!??? The situation will be heated up. Imagine your self in a restaurant, and you are very very hungry, you waited for more then 1 hour and your food have not been delivered?

    Lastly, I stop flying with AA since long time ago. However, I think that AA's main problem is just Human Training...thats all, it is not rocket saints...If they train, this will help more on their image; "Selling Low Cost flight" , "Selling In expensive flights" and not "SELLING CHEAP SERVICE CAUSE THE FLIGHT IS CHEAP?? Make no/yes sense!!

  • first of all, i would tell you all that read this blog to understand one thing.......AA flight timing is so near and they only have 25 min turnaround....when the morning flight delay and the rest will be effected.....not same like the full service airline which they had a min of 1 hour transit and AA got only 25min......think of the flight attendant that need to bid farewell, then clean the aircraft and then welcome the guest (let us think that is only in 25min and to 180pax)

    Now i can tell you that AA is getting better and even VVIP are onboard without complaint and the people that is first time on board will make a big HOO HA in the aircraft.....I even seen royalty taking AA flight and what is wrong taking AA as the fare is cheap.....

    if you think that the service is not good just says that the flight is not good and it's not the whole AA not good.....i used to talk to the flight attendant and i think that many of them are just being lazy because their boss is not around....

  • Keeman, I totally agree with everything you said except for the use of "Malaysians". You are probably a Malaysian..i'm a malaysian too..most of my friends are Malaysian too..but i've never done it, i've never seen my friends do it and i'm quite sure you have never done it as well, according to the article. So how come the open-ness and fairness on how air asia staff should be treated but the narrow minded-ness and stereotyping when labeling the culprits?

    • It's not stereotyping, I am describing from what I have seen/heard. And I am not referring to all Malaysians.

  • Can you believe this which was happened at KL Air Asia on Jan 29, 2011
    1.) Racism
    The term and condition are not in Chinese. If you were not English educated, remember to hire a translator (best with lawyer) to read through the agreement prior to purchase. Everyone can fly with Air Asia and bear your own risk if you did not understand English.

    2.) Too civilized ground staff / customer service
    The ground staff will tell you that your dB (noise level) is too high (not too sure whether there was a dB meter at Air Asia customer service desk) and if you ask for permission to record your conversation with Air Asia ground staff as an evident, they will directly share with you that Air Asia will sue you for recording the conversation. If you insist to record your conversation, Air Asia ground staff and customer service will ask security to “move” you away.

    3.) Interesting Price rate
    When you ask for rate of same flight at the same day, watch out…. Air Asia customer service might share at least two different rating within 30 minutes.

    4.) Interesting flight schedule
    Air Asia might tell you a flight schedule that has already been cancelled. Either the computer system or customer service staff was not well train

    5.) Friendly reminder to Northern Chinese – Your dB will surely exceed Air Asia dB requirement. So, if you plan to fly with Air Asia, then you better learn how to lower your normal dB.

    6.) Friendly reminder to all non English educated human being – seek for lawyer to read Air Asia term and condition before fly with this specific airline. Furthermore, hire a translator as when you experienced difficulty, this person will be the best help to you and your family, and not Air Asia ground stuff or customer service.

    7.) Do not trust Air Asia On-line Sales Team
    They will say one thing, and the ground staff / customer service will do another thing, which is totally disaster to consumer.

    8.) Excellent communication system in case of emergency
    When there was an emergency happened, Air Asia ground staff and customer service will ask you to file a complaint at Air Asia website. And they are so helpful to remind you that you have to pay for the hot line.

    China Southern Air line has reduced their price rate tremendously from Guan Zhou to KL and Penang since 2010.

  • I had a bad experience with Air Asia and was googling for information when I came upon your article dated April 2, 2010. Doesn't this blog updates its posts?

    Anyway to whoever you say, here is something for you to ponder on? Btw I have nothing against Malaysians, or the kiasus and also not associated with AirAsia.

    1. Complaining on unexpected delays.
    For the last three trips I had with Air Asia, they were are all delayed. The last being
    on 19 Feb 2011, from KL to Surabaya. From its original schedule at 20:15, it was
    delayed to 23:40. Ha.. ha.. ha. I bet you must be single. Have you consider
    passengers flying with their babies crying together with their aged parents (above
    70 years) and reaching at Surabaya at 2:00 in the morning.. Ha.. ha.. ha.. Surely you
    cannot compare a delay of 1/2 hour with 3 hours .

    2. Not getting low fare during promotion.
    I don't think you are able to read Malaysian's mind .. forgive me if I had offended
    you. What they are saying is, why is Air Asia in its effort to provide extra cheap
    flights, going the extra mile to make their flight extra uncomfortable in order for
    people to purchase "add-ons" for comfort?
    Does cheap flight with Air Asia equal discomfort with Air Asia? Are you fully aware
    of the new 7kg per one hand carry baggage. If you carry a Samsonite small
    luggage with your Dell laptop and two pieces of shirt, a pant and a few underwear,
    it will exceed the 7 kg. And you need to pay extra RM40 to check in your luggage.

    3. Complaining about higher price for food on plane.
    In the words of the late CEO of Bluebird (, Mr. Chandra
    once said as the Menteri Perdagangan Internasional & Industri, Malaysia, Dato Sri
    Mustapa Mohamed visited Bluebird corporate office, "Tolong, Blue Bird yang saya
    dirikan dengan Pak Purnomo sejak kecil dikritik. Jangan Cuma dipuji-puji." Not
    everyone can afford the price for food onboard Air Asia. If a mother cannot feed her baby with the food she brings aboard, she has no choice buy from Air Asia.
    Your analogy to Genting Highlands suprises me. Kamu bisa bawa makanan ke
    Genting, right? Tapi di Air Asia, gak boleh loh!!

    Final Remarks
    Why are you so annoyed with the weird malaysian or the kiasus? You should pity
    yourself.. you have chosen what is best for you and you can't live to hear how others
    have chosen for themselves. Let them provide feedback to Air Asia. They are only
    making Air Asia provide better services to people like us.

    Without them, Air Asia will be complacent and extremely happy with people like you
    standing up for their degrading services..

    • Hello Felix,

      Thank you for stopping by. I guess I have explained clearly that I am not saying that one cannot complain about AirAsia and let them be complacent. Perhaps, it's due to my poor command of English, the whole intention of this post is to say SOMETIMES people do blame AirAsia for something which is not their fault. I did state that clearly that AirAsia really need to improve (towards the end of my post) but on certain occasions, "I do pity them".

      And personally, I didn't expect so many people to comment on my humble post since it's a personal view on the issue. As usual, there are both sides of the story, some agree, some disagree, but I never delete any feedback here. So feel free to give your views.

  • YOU ALL LIVE IN YOUR OWN WORLD OF THIS LITTLE BLOGS. Oh yes delete this pls as you did with the others.

  • We send a shipment of live tropical fish to Guilin with Air Asia on June 2011. Air Asia operation send the boxes but left the shipment document in KL. so shipment can't be clear and Air Asia send the document after 2 days, almost all fish is dead. Air asia get agent to deal this case with us, they do every slowly, and at the end, say Air Asia reject our claim after 8 months delay with their agency.

    in the first place, this is Air Asia's operation fault, how can i pursue this unfairness issue?

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