Sometimes, I pity AirAsia and its Staff

Malaysians are kind of "annoying"  sometimes, especially when they started to complain without "thinking". I mean serious thinking. In this particular case, I’m sharing my views on how Malaysians tend to complain to AirAsia and its staff when things go wrong. Being a low-cost airline, AirAsia has indeed allowed many people to fly to their favourite destinations at a cheaper cost, something that they wouldn’t have been able to do years back. Of course, I am not saying, they make no mistakes but sometimes it’s just not their fault. Let me share with you some examples that I personally encounter:

1. Complaining on unexpected delays

This is a very famous complaint done by AirAsia passangers, especially Malaysians. I noticed some Malaysians think that AirAsia is the only airline that experience constant delays as if other airlines don’t. From my experience, everytime I encounter flight delay with AirAsia, it was because of the bad weather. I wouldn’t want them to fly me on bad weather too!

Some goes to the extent of shouting the "F" word to the ground staff when hey, they are not the one controlling the aircraft! It’s also weird to note that, when they pay higher price for a seat in other full-fledged airlines, they don’t mind waiting during flight delays because they are flying with "high-class" airline (Paying more for waiting i guess..haha). Weird Malaysians!

2. Not getting low fare during promotion

"Stupid AirAsia, cheat people!" I always hear this everytime AirAsia launched a super low-fare campaign (and I bet you too). The thing is, people don’t "READ or LOOK CLOSELY". I noticed when they try to book, they didn’t note the travel period or even the included destinations. For example, when the promotion is for Sept 2010 to Feb 2011, they try to book for June 2010 and start yelling here and there over the expensive fare! They always vent their anger on the AirAsia Facebook page. Come on! If other people can get good fare, that means the offer is real! On another note, to get cheaper fare, always aim for low-season or book early. Plus, you can compare the fare with other airlines, rather than branding AirAsia as cheater. Besides, many people know it’s marketing strategy, yet  they pretend as if they got cheated. If you don’t "buy" their marketing act, then don’t book. Easy right? 🙂 Weird Malaysians!



3. Complaining about higher price for food on plane

To compare food price on the AirAsia plane and other places on the ground is somehow not right. The price would be higher due to the cost incurred to bring the food "on air". The same reason why food at Genting Highlands is higher than other places. But then again, you have the rights to choose NOT to buy anything on plane. It’s not like AirAsia flight attendants force you to buy. Then why bother to complain? Weird Malaysians!


Final Remarks

There are so much more to add, such as those "kiasu" syndrome of rushing to the front of the line for boarding when everyone has a seat number. You have the rights to choose other airlines. If you think AirAsia fare is expensive or their service is not up to par, then go for other airlines. Why keep booking from AirAsia then complain later? The only reason I can see is people still think AirAsia can offer much much lower price, and when they don’t get what they want, they start to vent their anger. When complaining, be reasonable. Complaints such as online booking failures, ground staff/flight attendant mistreatment, sudden flight cancellation, wrong payment methods are okay since its AirAsia’s fault or problem, which i think AirAsia really really need to improve. But when it comes to the above, sometimes I do pity AirAsia and its staff.

P/s: I am not associated with AirAsia or being paid by AirAsia. I am a consumer/customer who choose what is best for me. 🙂



View Comments

  • what to do..people are not easily satisfy (especially Malaysians)..that's why they complains =_="

  • I agree with what you said here. Some people treat AA like bus company. They didn't even think about why those things happen. I hate it the most when people start to rush to the front line, be it the 1st or the last to enter the plane doesn't make any different, not like that plane will depart when you're still at the back row (like bus). Then there's another problem, we all know that AA flight now assigned seat number to each passengers but still there're people that didn't understand, they took other's seat and when they're asked to move to their own seat they get mad (it happened to myself), some people are so stupid to checked their boarding pass and listen to the instruction. The real fact is, AA had made a lot of flying possible, i wonder how is it without them...

  • @Elvin @Eggyolks @Rodz: Oh well.....third-class mentality?

    @Sakira: I think I didn't say in my post that you couldn't complain. Just that be more reasonable when doing so. Sometimes, it's not AA fault but people keep blaming them for no reason.

  • I've never actually had the chance to try out AA after all these years, not because of choice, but because of circumstances, but I guess this coming May would be my first time..hopefully everything goes well. :D

  • "Complaining about higher price for food on plane"

    i still didn't get it why we can't bring foods or drinks outside from the plane. It is optional to buy foods/drinks on AIrasia plane, but at least they should loosen a bit the regulation like allowing us to bring water inside the plane because mineral water inside Airasia is very expensive.

  • @Zool: bro, actually if you bring water on board (put it in your bag) and drink it, the flight attendant won't do anything. Plus, you can always eat snacks when they are not around. Haha. Many people do that.

  • Well, I guess most of the people has forgotten that MAS has its time of delay too. Even more frequent. A small technical problem can cause the flight to cancel for days. They are all written in the news paper. AA is now famous, not just among M'sian. It's known around the world now. So every little thing becomes a BIG thing. Try and think, do you think the airline wanna delay the flight and cause so much stir at the end of the day? There must be a reason behind it. And the reason is SAFETY. When the safety is not applied, do you still wanna travel? A car accident can kill many innocent people out there, what more about travelling in the AIR? Your car can stall anytime even after good maintenance... what more to say an aircraft?

    Conclusion, the more well known, the more complaints... Try take Paris Hilton and a normal drug dealer, who do you think will be the topic of the day? Open up your mind and think before you speak... As for the prices, if you can understand how a low cost carrier works, then you'll understand how the prices vary...
    People has really gotta OPEN up their mind, learn before speaking. For your action, you'll only embarrass yourselves.

    *No offence*

  • This is how those farking people thought! I have been encounter the same problem just like you, asking the stupid question, complaining, yelling there, it seems like their MONEY is so BIG. Some even pretend like they are a rich man or what keep on giving instruction to the flight attendant to do this and that.

    You want fly with Airasia then don;t complain, if you think AA is that bad service then don't buy their ticket, just that simple. This is how i told those person who was yelling on me. WHen they heard I said so, they DIAM !

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