Categories: Tech & Web

SingTel and M1 iPad Prepaid and Postpaid Plans

Tech geeks and Apple fans in Singapore will be eagerly waiting for the official iPad release tomorrow and both SingTel and M1 (Mobile One) have released their respective plans for users to choose. Both telcos are offering prepaid and postpaid plans, which is shown in the following tables. Looking at their plans make me wonder when will we Malaysians get to enjoy such excellent data plans. Anyway, let’s compare both SingTel and M1 plans.

The Postpaid Plans

From the postpaid plans table, it’s clear that SingTel’s iPad postpaid plan is cheaper than M1. With only S$34.50, you get to enjoy 50GB of free bundled data. That’s about RM80 per month, and Malaysian telcos only offer a max of 5GB data usage for such amount! However, if you think you need more than 50GB bundled data, M1’s unlimited plan is also very attractive. M1 is offering a promotional price of S$39.48 for that package. There is also a 3GB data lite plan for non heavy users.

The Prepaid Plans

As for prepaid plans, SingTel’s iPad plan is cheaper than its standard bundle. In fact, its unlimited usage cap is very attractive though you need to pay more for consecutive days of usage. Even then, it’s still cheap. If you’re non-heavy user, then M1’s prepaid plan may be your choice since it charge according to your data usage and not days. All you need to do is to top up to get more bundled data.

Well, Singaporeans are indeed lucky to be able to choose such good plans. I wish Malaysian telcos would do the same.


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