Categories: Life Bytes

Going Bald for Kids with Cancer on 16 May 2010

This is kind of a delayed post on the GoBald 2010 event held at tHe Spring, Kuching. As stated in my previous post regarding my pledge for this event, I will shave off my hair regardless whether I managed to reach my donation target. Well, on 16 May 2010 (Teacher’s day), I did what I promised. In total, I managed to collect RM1,150 in donation to Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society (SCCS) and once again, I thank all who have willingly donated to show their support. I also received several messages from my former students. One even sent me a very lovely poem. 🙂 Thank you guys and gals!

I was happy to note that the GoBald 2010 campaign was a great success. A total of 405 shavees (26 were women)  and collected a grand total of RM368,800 in donation. SCCS needs our support not only to help kids to fight cancer, but also to raise public’s awareness on cancer itself.

I got my head shaved with some fellow bloggers from Sarawak Bloggers community: Fahriee, Mike Cheng, Desmond Jerukan and Rodz. Of course, members who did not get their head shaves were also present to show support as well as to cover the event. Some of them are Cyril Dason, Annna, Rose Wong, James (Uchu Keling), the EggYolks. Well, here are a few pictures:

The Event at tHe Spring
In process...hehehe
Mike showing his "LG"
The New Look ;p

You can check out more photos from Shiok gallery, the official online magazine for Sarawak Bloggers.

P.s: Some people have asked me regarding “my head”. Haha. For your info, I was involved in a terrible accident back in 1996, which somehow left a few “marks” on my head (you’ll see some “dented” areas). I was fortunate to live, and yes, I am even more determined to make others live well too.


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  • LOL..ppl actualy asked about ur head? Well... glad u perticipated in the event.

    Hope next year some again. Congrats bro on a good deed done.

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