Blogging for Money Making: 10 Biggest Mistakes Bloggers Make

Blogging to make money is nothing new. You’ll get tonnes of emails and invitations to join programmes that would so-called transform you into an overnight millionaire earning thousands every month. You’ll be able to buy your favourite gadgets from iPhone to MacBook Pro or even invest in various properties. Can you? Yes! In your dreams! (If you don’t do it properly). Besides, I have yet to see a pro-blogger ended-up in the World Richest Man list yet! But if you have the ambition to break the record, then by all means do it. But how?

While I cannot deny that you can generate good income from blogging, you have to be realistic and of course avoid the following mistakes:

Blogging without a niche – If you’re serious in wanting to build readership and gain good traffics, then at least get a niche area to focus on. You can blog on several topics but your niche area should be prioritised, which means more posts on that area and lesser on the "not-so-important" ones.

Becoming a copy cat blogger – This is one of the common thing you’ll see in the blogging world. Copying other established bloggers’ ideas (especially direct lifting of content) is not only unethical but always does not work! Most copy-cat bloggers are not passionate about what they blog and were in the blogosphere mainly for monetary drive and usually they don’t last long! 

Choosing the wrong blogging platform – It’s always important to choose a good and reliable blogging platform as it would affect the presentation and functionality of your blog. I highly recommend WordPress for its flexibility.

Not tagging blog posts – Tags serve like a keyword in search engine. 80% of most blog traffics come from tags. When tagging think of what people would search in search engine and not simply tagging each word of your blog post.

Blogging Inconsistently – This is something i struggle to cope as well. It’s useless to blog when you have one good blog post and then leaving it for a month! Blogging frequently has been the key to driving blog traffics as each blog post means another link on the search engine!

Not replying comment – Interaction via comments is a good way to build your readership as well. Readers who get responses from you normally would come back. Having said that, provide an option to subscribe to your comments as well, since readers would get an alert when a reply is made. Best still, you can even reply directly to their email (if valid).

Expecting too much and too soon – Progress doesn’t just happen overnight, like many people think it does. 800 People start an online business every day, and 90% of them will fail. You may have heard stories about overnight success, but that’s like one in a million. Be patient, and if you have the formula correct, success will grow.

Spamming your blog links – This is common and perhaps the biggest mistake! Spamming your blog links on other blogs’ comment space would not help you in getting good traffics. Practice proper SEO, based on the tutorials available online.

Placing too many ads – When placing ads, place yourself in the readers’ viewpoint. Placing too many ads would annoy your readers especially when the ads are affecting the loading time.  Avoid placing more than two ads space within a blog post. On another note, place good ads in the top middle area and less important ones at the bottom. If you want to put ads, put them nicely!

Placing too many external widgets – Widgets such as those from various blog networks maybe good in generating traffics from the respective community, placing too many of them would eventually kill your blogs. Why? Because they are hosted externally, it highly depends on the speed of the widgets server. When the server is slow, it affects your blogging loading speed!


Of course, these tips are essential for bloggers who are serious in making money solely via blogging (not selling ebooks or products via blogs).  If you don’t care about that, continue blogging with a positive mindset and passion. As said by many probloggers,

"Don’t blog for money, blog because you want to provide value, then the money will come."


Happy Blogging!


View Comments

  • Excellent post, I agree 100%. If you are passionate about your blog people will respond.

  • @Troy: Thanks! Would you like to share more tips here?
    @Anna: Yeah, me too. Haha. Sometimes too lazy to blog!
    @Cyril and @Bengbeng: hope the tips help.

  • content is king. Although Off Page SEO are important, but without great content its hards to maintain and increase traffic. Niche blog are the best way to make money excepts for me, it tends to be chore rather than i am passionate about the topics. Yes, i get bored easily

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