Categories: Current Issues

Swine Flu and Racism in Malaysia

I know, the title of this post just doesn’t make sense to most of you, but I was stunned to hear racist statements coming from fellow Malaysians who are shallow in their thinking. Why? We all know the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico and now spreading fast to other parts of the world, especially in North America. The thing is swine flu caused by H1N1 virus (almost similar to H5N1, Avian Flu) is not something new. Most animals can be infected with respiratory disease just like human. Similarly, swine flu is a respiratory disease normally found in pigs and caused by type A influenza viruses.

Prior to the sudden outbreak in Mexico, reports on swine flu infection on human were documented but they were very rare just like avian flu. What causes the major outbreak is still under investigation, though some experts have suggested that pig farmers in Mexico are trying to cut cost by not using influenza vaccine to prevent swine flu on their pigs.

Now, what pisses me off is that in Malaysia, some people are trying to link swine flu with pork eaters (to be exact, non-Muslims) by spreading racist statements. I personally heard a mid-30 woman said (translated) "Never mind, we won’t get swine flu because we don’t eat pork. Let them die with their pork!" And another guy supported her by saying "Yeah, who ask them to open so many pig farms, now they deserve it!". The most annoying statement followed after that (which I don’t want to translate) "Babi betul lah babi ni, sama juga orang babi! Bagi mampos semua!" I was very very angry yet I just keep quiet because I was not in the mood to confront them at that time, was busy with some urgent matters.

But tell me, don’t you think those statements are racist? And coming from two people who are supposed to be educated, reflect just how far our nation has grown into. First and foremost, swine flu virus is airborne, meaning it can spread through air and not transmitted by food. Just because you don’t take pork, doesn’t mean you’re safe from swine flu! Second, why are those people so happy when other people are suffering from the disease? You think they want it to happen? My goodness…. Maybe they are just among the very few who have such shallow thoughts, but hearing it just hurt your ears especially in a nation that promotes racial harmony and tolerance. At the very least, we show some sympathy towards those are infected and not diverting it to some petty issues like pork eaters or pig farmers. Sad, but it’s perhaps a reality that we need to face.

You can refer to CDC website on Swine Flu or Mnistry of Health Malaysia for more info.

(Pictures courtesy of AFP)


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  • yeah but when you eat pork and your body digest it d became part of your body and in ur blood...the swin flu virus recognise the pork elements in human body and this is how swin flu virus activate itself and trying to destroy the that elements and it harm the people who eat pork..this is my idea and i dont know wht is urs...but if u dont hear any swine flu news in muslim or jews people that could be true...we will see...

  • Saya rasa tajuk topik u lagi racist dr apa yang orang tu cakap.. heheheh.. anyhow, i don't blame anyone, just take full precautions lah, sebab penyakit tak kenal kaum, tak kenal mangsa. Abaikan mereka - mereka yang cuma bercakap dengan mulut, bukan dengan akal dan fikiran.

  • They should not say that. Its' a flu. and I agreed with you. Some animals easily infected and this may cause to human too. Not only to pork eaters. Those who say such, having such a narrow minded. Pretended educated,but nope.

    Health problems should not be related to racist problems. and as for this, they take advantages to create racist problems.

    Pity this people. Don't know how to differentiate what caused the swine flu. They just acts like they are holy enough. But by saying those, is that what the holy should shows? Bad in talk.and talking shit about others.

  • @John: Your claim is not scientifically proven. So far, all cases reported are due to those who went to Mexico and didn't take vaccines.

    @Baldimerah: Apa yang racist pasal tajuk topik ni?

    @Cyril & Amiey: Well, those people just think with their HEAD and Not Their brain (Cyril's tag. Heheh)

  • pork here pork there..and what the hell are you people thinking out there.

    Those two guy eh,
    so the non-muslim eat pork, hurt you meh?
    u hate those poor fat ugly pigs or you just hate your pork-eater-non-muslim neighbor?

    well, what the hell.. i can be more racist then they do ( i do hate aliens), but this is all just about pigs anyway...

    owh wait! i remembered cow also got this problems called "penyakit kuku blabla2.." kan?

    ceh macamana gua boleh sesat sini?hail keemanxp!

  • about bird flu?? Do we blame those who ate itik and ayam and those who reared them. BTW, dont get HFMD just by touching a cow, its more of personal hygiene. Its how the basic element of viral shift and drift commencing towards deadl strain. Not just from pigs and birds, also from monkey, rats and some say cats.... Or other kind of animal. Those who gave racial comment are an ass!!!!! Low self-esteem @#&*(@*&*(#!!!!!!!!! tq

  • I agree with you that what these people said is absolutely non ethical, but believe me what they said is just their personal view not all moslems are like this. I am a moslem and i totally believe that this disease could come to any one of us just like the bird flu, any way we are all human beings and do not deserve any hurt of any type and this is what our religon urges us to feel, regardless of what some minorities say.

  • Thanks for dropping by Engy. I have no problem mixing around with Moslems or anyone from any religious background.

    Like you said, let us not let some shallow minds of the minority pollutes our brotherhood.

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