Categories: Life Bytes

I’m now a National Kidney Foundation On-Going Donor

Went to have lunch at The Spring this afternoon and was approached by a UNIMAS student who was a volunteer for the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) of Malaysia. She explained in detail on the current fundraising programme called NKF Direct Debit Donor. It’s a way for donors who want to make constant contribution to the foundation without the need of going to the NKF centers. You can start being an on-going donor from RM38 per month until you decided to stop (no contract of whatsover). Just give them a call if you decide to stop contributing to the foundation. By signing up as an on-going donor, you’ll be given a report every three months, informing you how NKF have spent the money they have raised and all donations are tax-exempted. Basically, NKF subsidises the cost of life-saving dialysis treatment for lower income group. A normal dialysis treatment session at the private hospital would cost up to RM300 and patients need to undergo at least 3 sessions per month and that’s a whooping RM600.

So I’ve signed up as an on-going donor as well. At least I know by contributing RM1.26 per day, i can help to save life. Being a organ donor as well, I do think awareness campaign on how to take care of our kidney is also important. Educating the children from young would be a good start. NKF is organising several campaign in schools and  shopping malls too. So I think I’m going to participate as a volunteer!

If you think you would also like to contribute to the National Kidney Foundation (Malaysian only), feel free to visit this website. You can sign up via direct debit from saving accounts or credit cards.


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  • I signed up as an organ donor, but so far, I've got no response.. Wonder what happened.

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