Categories: Life Bytes

How to Eliminate Your Excuses, Seriously.

Undeniably, we all make excuses just for not doing things. Even at a very important moment, some would still give themselves excuses for escaping the reality. But the successful ones are those who can kill the excuses like the miserable maggots they are.


The common excuses are of course "I’m too tired. I don’t have the time. I don’t feel motivated. I’d rather do nothing. I don’t have the money, equipment, space. I can’t because …". Why don’t we try to kill these one by one? How? Read on.

  1. See the positive. Excuses are usually made because we don’t feel like doing something — we’re accentuating the negative. Instead, see the fun in something, the joy in it. And maintain a positive attitude, or you’ll never beat the excuses.
  2. Take responsibility. Excuses are ways to get out of owning up to something. If we don’t have the time, money, equipment, etc., then it’s not our fault, right? Wrong. Take responsibility, and own the solution.
  3. Find a solution. Just about every problem has a solution. Don’t have time? Start with just 5-10 minutes. Make the time. Wake earlier. Do it during lunch. Don’t have a gym membership? Workout at home or in the office. Don’t have the energy? Do it when you have higher levels of energy. You’re smart. Figure out the solution.
  4. See your goal. This is your motivation — your reason for doing it. Sure, you could just lay on the couch, but if you think about why you really want to pursue a goal, you’ll be motivated. Visualize that goal and just get started.
  5. Be accountable. Have a workout partner, a project partner, a team, someone to report to. If you have to meet a coach or partner, you’re more likely to do something.
  6. Go ahead and make your excuses. Then do it anyway.
  7. Watch this. Then go an do it. 🙂


[via ZenHabits]


View Comments

  • "Go ahead and make your excuses. Then do it anyway."

    This is a good one!
    Kinda pass the message saying: "Don't let anything stop you"

  • sometimes, we just need excuses... but its never good to give excuses when u are bluntly wrong.

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