Categories: Money Sense

How to Earn Money with Adsense: Bloggers’ Guide

Before I begin with this guide, it’s good to know (for those who still don’t) what Google Adsense ( is. Google Adsense is basically an advertising program by Google aims at providing relevant ads related to your website content. It provides several choices of ads including text links, image ads of different sizes (some are animated flash) as well as ads for your feeds. You’ll be paid when the ads appeared on your website is clicked or visited. The amount you get for each click depends on how much the advertiser of that link has allocated, say US$0.10 for each click.

Of course, you might have come across various EBooks or so-called marketing program telling you how you can maximise your profits within a short period of time. The most obvious way is by telling you to create blog farm using auto content generator that actually steal others and modify it just to create daily blog posts. Here, i’m not going to teach you all these because your blog or website will be banned sooner than you think. So here is my very own personal guide on how to use Adsense properly or “legally” for bloggers. This guide is mainly based on my experience of using the program.

Getting Started with Google Adsense

Before you start, you need to have your blog created. I do recommend or if you’re thinking of using free blog services.  If you’re planning to host it on a paid shared hosting, then go for WordPress, it’s SEO (search engine optimization) friendly.

Once you have a blog, start deciding on the scope of your blog. Find topic that you enjoy sharing. You can blog in any languages that you want, but English is preferred as you can reach a wider reader base. Make sure your blog is about 1 month old before registering for Adsense. This can reduce the chance of your blog being rejected as suspected blog farms.

To sign up, go to Google Adsense ( You need to have a Google Account to register and make sure your full name and address is correct as it’s needed when you want to cash out your earnings via Western Union or cheque. Once done, you’ll have to wait for the approval from the Adsense team. This normally takes less than 48 hours. Once approved, you’re ready to go. Login to Adsense and start learning how to setup your ads using the tutorials given by Google.

Deciding Where to Put Adsense Ads on your Blog

This is the key to your earnings. Make sure you put the Adsense slots at the right place. You can Google for some Adsense-enhanced blog templates that can make it easier for you. Else, make sure you know some HTML basic to edit your templates. The best place to put your ads is on the front/index page. I would recommend image ads on sidebar or top header. Link ads are best to put between your blog contents. Try to use ads or larger size like skyscraper or large rectangular. This can attract your visitors to click. Make sure you choose the right colour combination as well. Match it with your blog template colour scheme.

Driving Traffics to your Blog

Of course, if order to earn more, you need to have more click through rates. There are several ways to do this. The first is by using your blog posts itself. Meaning you blog on topics that would interest people to search and hopefully locate your blog on various search engines. I would recommend you install Google Analytics code in order to track your visitors. Look at what keywords that brings them to your site and start blog more on that topic. You can refer to my guide here

Another way is by blog hopping and putting trackbacks/back links. When you visit others blog and you find something interesting, blog on that topic and put a back links to the blog you just visited. This will make your blog links appeared on others blog easily. Of course, do not copy and paste others work, the author might just delete your links. Besides that, you can also sign up for various blog community sites like MyBlogLog or BlogCatalog in order to make your blog more popular. I would also suggest you sign up for Entrecard, a very effective way of driving traffics.

Bookmarking to Death!

Get your blog posts bookmarked on social bookmarking network like, Digg, Furl, Shoutwire, StumbleUpon. Other users with similar interests can view the links by topic, category, tags, or even randomly. So that means you’re widening the exposure of your blogs to others. You’ll be amazed with the referrals link from these sites to your blog in your analytics report once you get used to it.

You need to get as many links as possible from these social networking sites. Furthermore, they are usually not moderated. You can use software/services like to get the job done. These automated systems allow you to mass submit and has protection features such as proxy support and multiple account capabilities. Although your site will not be featured in the front page of these bookmarking sites, they will generate good links for you. Remember, you are not trying to win a popularity contest. You are after tons and tons of links.

Try not to misuse Google Adsense, you’ll get banned easily. To key is to grow steadily and earn reasonable amount and it will increase as your traffic load begins to grow. So what are you waiting for? Start Earning with Google Adsense now!


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    Realmente o post ficou excelente, sou um novato na arte de ganhar dinheiro na internet e aqui descrevo a soluçao que encontrei para isso: Se me permite postar.

    O site, dinheiro fácil na internet, esta disponibilizando um tutorial mostrando como você pode ganhar dinheiro na internet, esse é um metodo seguro pois não se trata de nenhum programa ou coisa do tipo, é apenas um tutorial mostrando passo a passo como fazer seu site render muitos reais no fim do mes, é garantido e você pode ver a prova no próprio site, não te custara nada dar uma olhada, essa pode ser sua chance de aprender como ganhar dinheiro na internet, muitas pessoas não sabem como fazer isso por não terem esse conhecimento que o tutorial oferece.

    Visite o site:

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