Categories: Life Bytes

Youth08 – We are the TrendSetters!

Alright, to all Malaysian youths out there. It’s time to gather around and make our voice heard! Oh yeah, it’s not about protesting about our economic condition or even the heated debate on our political state, but it’s time to set the record straight and show how UNITED we are. I’m impressed with the efforts by our young friends at who have taken a giant step in organising one of the biggest Youth events in Malaysia – Youth08! And yes, as part of the many many participants who have nominated themselves in the DotCom Youth Search, i’m looking forward to the award ceremony to be held on 18 Jan, at PWTC. But of course, there are tonnes of other exciting events to keep you entertained! You can visit Youth08 official site for more details!! Let’s Make PWTC filled with our youth spirit!


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  • i wish kuching was the centre of the "happenings" *sigh* and it's been ages since unimas had anything "happening" going on...

  • Fahmi: tak sempat join. But congrats to for winning the DotCom youth Search.

    Dazeree: Yea, it's been a long time since UNIMAS organise something for students. Guess, will try email youthmalaysia to make Kuching their next destination. :)

  • haa tumpang comment mo promote gua punya event hehe

    [quote]Peraduan terbuka kepada semua warga Jiwang Networks.Artworks yang hendak dihantar hendaklah asli dan tidak pernah muncul dimana-mana website atau forum.Anda boleh menghantar sebanyak mana artwork (mesti asli taw) kepada pihak kami akan tetapi hadiah hanya beradasarkan penyertaan user sahaja (kalau menang lah kan).Setiap banner akan di adili oleh barisan juri-juri pro kami dan pemenang akan diumumkan kelak melalui

    Syarat-Syarat Penyertaan Adalah Seperti Berikut:-

    1.Mesti mo ader logo alien tu-maskot rasmi JWG Networks IPB Image
    2.Mesti mo ader tulisan
    3.Size:1008x97 -(nie aku kene rujuk balik size asal dia)
    4.tidak mengandungi unsur-unsur lucah/politik/promo web lain/ciplak idea orang etc
    5.Semua banner yang dihantar menjadi hak milik Jiwang Networks (korang still leh pm/email kami dan mintak jangan publish artwork korang jika mahu-no problem)
    6.Boleh menghantar sebanyak mana banner yang korang terlarat buat.Tapi kemenangan atas satu nama jer lah.

    Penyertaan terbuka pada sesiapa yang menjadi user jiwang networks! (kecuali pihak jury+admin+root admin yang kami haramkan ler dari menghantar artworks hehe)

    hadiah nyer?err akan diberitahu kelak( semestinya besh lah)

    hantarkan setiap penyertaan anda berserta nama/id jwg networks kepada
    Title:Jwg banner contest.

    tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah :29hb febuari 2008



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