Categories: Life Bytes

The Voice of a Serial Dang-er

WARNING: What you’re about to read may tease you, scare you or even haunt you for the rest of your life, especially if you’re one of those new net species called “Nuffnangers”.

Alright, enough is enough! Everyone seemed to accuse me of being a serial Dang-er in Nuffnang’s Innit! The latest involved in the lambasting of my so-called "mischievous" behaviour is 3POINT8 a.k.a Kok Fye. His post has identified several possible reasons for my dang-ing behaviour (or maybe others as well), which seems to have caused outrage among the Innit community. And after a great thought of what he has posted, I’ve decided to stand up and make my voice heard!

So, you wanna know the truth? Here are 4 reasons why I Dang a post in response to Kok Fye’s post (I’m not going to state why I Nang, since everyone loves to be Nang-ed).

  1. I don’t care whose post is in Top 5, I just dang everyone from 1 to 10. So if your post is listed from 1 to 10, then well you got my Dang! Why? I hate number 1 till number 10, it makes me remember how my kindergarten teacher used to cane me for counting very slow before I managed to reach number 5.
  2. I Dang because I Love you. Oh yeah, that’s my way of expressing love. If the post is good, I’ll Dang it, which in most cases, I’ll be the only Dang-er. And being the single Dang-er makes you stand out! The author especially will start to check on you and try to get to know you, and from there, love or in most cases friendship will surface.
  3. I’m colour blind! I didn’t know there is a colour “code” for the Nang and Dang buttons. I only knew it after reading Kok Fye’s post. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have clicked any of those buttons, because I HATE Pink and I HATE Yellow.
  4. I just don’t like the word Nang – The word Nang seems less comprehensible to me than Dang. I mean, why would you Nang when you don’t really know what it means. At least Dang is available in but not Nang.

Alright, I guess you have got a bigger picture on why a serious blogger like me would Dang a post. Now that you’ve read the above, please ignore any part that you think is beyond the acceptance of your rationality and conscience. And if you’re one of those who still do not understand why a person like me would Dang a post, then I can summarise it for you in one sentence:  “Because I’m a serial Dang-er!” (What else would a serial Dang-er do?)

P.s: Shout outs go to 3POINT8, RoyalShortness, Pinksterz, Gelitifa, and all Innit Community members. The truth is, i’m a seasonal Dang-er, as I’ll be gone soon and wouldn’t be able to keep track of Innit for a while. Cheers guys and gals! And if you don’t like my Danging behaviour or my explanation doesn’t convince you of my innocence, then accept my sincere apologies. 


View Comments

  • ey, the conversation between me and royal was just a "stupid killing the time". i was too free for two weeks that i layan innit for chatting wan. hahaha! i also dang some posts that i dont like la :D

    dont take it too hard *sulks*

    p.s. i sulk because i know i look cute xD

  • Serious? A word like Dang actually exist! (and all this while i thought i was just a slang)

    LOL, sounds like you had a rough time back in kindergarden.

  • haha, i know Pinksterz...i'm like you as well. Too free for two weeks.

    Kif, yeah, Dang is the alteration from Damn, part of American English. But you can find it in Oxford Dictionary as well. :) Yea, I "hate" teachers in Kindergarten, but then again, they inspired me to become a BETTER Teacher! Haha.

  • Hahaha pinks right =p don't lah take it so hard...

    We love to spam the comments =p

    It's our part time job..

    x - dude, go and focus on your chick blogs lah..

  • Hahaha...x, added your link dude.

    David, Pinksterz: Yeah, i know i shouldn't take it hard...but it's hard to do that... Whahaha....

  • Yea man, take it easy. Treat everything thing as a joke and you'll find something funny about it.
    Besides, we are a friendly bunch of ppl. We don't go around hacking ppl's blog. =D

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