Of Indecisiveness, Commitment and Election

Remember when you were a child?  I’m sure you remember something about your childhood, so let me be a little more specific. Do you remember when you were a little kid, walking through a toy store with your parents, and you saw that GI Joe or Barbie Doll that you just had to have? Then, as you walked over to the next aisle with your parents, you realized that what you really wanted was the Superman action figure? But hold on, because when you got to aisle number 3, wasn’t it the cook’n’bake oven or the remote control car that you just had to have? Well, I’ll tell you now that just because you think things have changed, that doesn’t mean they really have.

Politicians (government or oppositions alike) are no different than the rest of us. When they were little kids, they couldn’t decide what one toy they wanted to have either. And the amazing thing is, these decisions we make, then change, only add fertilizer to our growing forest of indecision.  This isn’t a personal decision.  This isn’t directed at any one individual or group (well, except for politcians).  Whether it is changing your idea’s of what toy you want to play with, significant other you want to marry (only to divorce down the road), or decide what political issues you want to support, everyone changes their mind on something. The thing is, politicians just happen to be more in the spotlight and thus scrutinized more by the media because there is always someone looking for a different angle on an issue just so there is a new story to tell.

As we all know, politicians often change their mind.  Maybe you think they’re a flip flopper, maybe you think they never got off the seesaw when they were a kid because they couldnt’ decide if they liked being up or down, or maybe you just think they are the scum of the earth and will say whatever they need to at any time to get a vote.  There is one other option though.  While we may hear them being criticized or be the ones dishing it out ourselves, anyone who has been elected to political office on multiple occasions must have some brains and be doing something right.  How can they get re-elected despite constantly changing their perspective?  They just happen to be smart enough to realize that the world is constantly changing and they need to change with it.  If you don’t change your perspective and realize that in a different scenario a different course of action may be a better fit, you aren’t smart enough to be leading this country. 

I admit I’m very indecisive on a lot of issues, mostly because I’m so laid back (not sure if this is even the right expression). I’ll just go along with whatever other people are saying. Maybe not all the time. I still stand up and voice out my concerns occasionally. When this blog was started, I was extremely excited to start contributing regularly. Well, I’m not sure how many articles I’ve written for this blog, but I know I haven’t done anything in the last few months. Why is this happening?  I’m not always committed, not to the blog, but to what to write about. Sometimes, I’ll have a good idea, but before I get a chance to sit in front of a computer and write something about it I’ll change my mind. All I can say now is that I’m definitely commmitted to this blog, but I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.


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  • I think part of indecisiveness is because we can't have it all. Since we can't have it all, All of us We want to make the best out of something given a certain limited amount of resources.

    Anyway about politicians, there is this quote from the net.
    Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.
    [I wonder if this has something to with indecisiveness :P]

  • True Lori...does that got to do with No better options? Or our people's power is still lacking?? Well....some people just think as long as they can live well in this country, they don't bother who rules...

  • Being indecisive can be confusing and eventually u won't know what u initially set out to do... Oh well, changes every now and then gradually can bring some prospectives but too much changes or too drastically or abruptly can create chaos as well...
    I guess these politicians pls think wisely lah when they wanna make changes, as their indecisiveness will influence not just them but the whole 'citizenhood' (if the word ever exists -.-)
    Anyway, way to go with this blog, kee man, nice reading along..

  • Sweet analogy there, the whole toy store scene: everyone can really relate to that, and OUCH that's when the reality of the situation hits! That's when you truly grasp what all this indecisiveness is, on a larger scale level.

    And interesting to note how you wonderfully stayed 'neutral' (that's the trickiest part in writing articles/blog posts), presenting both sides, but not overtly supporting either. Liked this post! Something to think about. Sharing. Thanks

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