Malaysia08: Looking forward to a better year

Well oh well, we have come towards the final days of year 2007. It’s a meaningful year for Malaysia of course, as it’s the nation’s 50th anniversary as an independent nation.  Undeniably, apart from the on-going hype of an early election since the beginning of 2007 as well as the controversial Angkasawan programme, we as Malaysians have been showered with a lot of unexpected “dramas” that have perhaps painted “dark images” on our proud and colourful canvas as a 50-year-old nation.  We have seen “images” from high-profile crimes to the killing of innocent 8-year-old girl, from constant push for a better judiciary system to exposure of corruptions involving judges and lawyers, from unlawful road demonstrations to ungrateful minority, and most importantly we have seen signs of racial sentiment being abused for personal interest. I do think that Malaysians at large are still very united especially those who not are “polluted” by narrow-minded or political-driven groups.  We should be grateful to be living in a country where we can share diverse cultures, festivals, food, languages, etc. Maybe some of us are too comfortable living in such a conducive environment until they forget how our nation was initially formed. All in all, I would say it has been a rather bumpy year for Malaysia and I do look forward to a better 2008 (of course, that would perhaps depends on the election results! :p)  Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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