Categories: Life Bytes

Ke mana perginya gembira

Oh, ke mana perginya gembira? Kenapa tiba-tiba rasa gembira itu hilang dari sanubari ku. Benarkah kata ibuku yang gembira akan hilang bila usia kita makin tua? Perlukah kita kekal muda untuk mendapatkan gembira? Aku mula merasakan gembira kian menjarakkan dirinya, kian meninggalkan aku. Aku tidak pasti kenapa. Mungkin benar kata ibuku, semakin kita dimamah usia, semakin sukar untuk bersama dengan gembira. Atau mungkinkah kita sebagai manusia terlalu taksub dengan nafus, dosa, dugaan dan duka, yang membuatkan kita semakin jauh…semakin ditinggalkan oleh gembira.

Oh, ke mana perginya gembira???


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  • May be you are right, when we get older, we lose happiness gradually. We know more, we experience more, we suffer more. However, we may think in positive way. Chinese idiom: if you gain something, you will lose something (you shi bi you de). So, just treat it as part of our life. If not, what to do?

  • :shock: OMG, u n yrene r being too negative. i thought u r the great supporter of simplicity?? :grin:

  • I think, regardless of age, you decide yourself whether to feel happy or not. I know someone who 'chooses' to be grumpy all the time. I don't get people like that.

  • Wow, Yu Ling and Ease, you two finally left a trace while visiting my blog.

    Yu Ling: agree with you.

    Ease: I'm a supporter of COMPLICATED simplicity...hehehe....make simplicity even more complicated.

    Dazeree: Yea, happiness can be in many forms. Some who never smile, can be the happiest man on earth, some who smile and laugh all the time, his or her heart may be filled with grief and sadness. Well, like you say, we choose how to feel happy.

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