Categories: Tech & Web

Windows Vista Makeover

Well, i know most of us have been waiting for ages for Microsoft to realease it’s much boasted Windows Vista 2007 (code name: Longhorn). But if you’re thinking of buying Windows Vista (original or pirated) and install in your PC, think twice or maybe thrice or even a dozen times before doing so. Why? Apart from it’s completely revamped look of its visual style and interface, there’s nothing much different from Windows XP. And to tell you the truth, it looks more and more like Mac OS X.  Here are few considerations before deciding for a change:

  • The Pro
    • Installation for Windows Vista has been improved and it’s more user-friendly. So, there should be no major problem for beginners or newbies intending to install this OS
    • The introduction of Window Switcher (alt-tab), which functions just like the Exposé from Mac OS X, it is a way of visualizing all of your open windows and quickly finding the one you want.
    • Improved visual style and windows look. It looks graphically more stunning with it’s “transparent glass” interface, wait a minute, isn’t that supposed to be Mac OS X’s interface? 🙂
    • Upgraded security functions such as the inclusion of Windows Defender and the latest AVG
  • The Cons
    • Windows OS always supports 90% backward compatibility, meaning allowing software designed for older version of Windows (ie: 98, ME, 2000, XP) to work in Windows Vista. This maybe an advantage but it will end up making your PC much much slower especially if you’re running low-end systems.
    • Expect some explorer.exe crashes due to the large amount of memory needed whenever you open too many folders and running other software at the same time.
    • Vista is thought to be 40% more complex than XP, resulting Microsoft losing track of its codes and might release Vista incomplete. It tooks them almost 4 years just to release this OS while Apple has been consistently improving their Mac OS X.

    Anyway, if you’re planning to switch to Windows Vista, wait until the first patch or service pack is introduced after it is launched in early 2007. And at the mean time, to get a feel of Vista, download Vista Transformation Pack 6.


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    • Yeah...big memory too. Recommended memory for Vista is 1GB and you need a very good graphic card with 512MB video memory.

      In other words, switching to Vista means buying a new PC....hahahha

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    Tags: vistaWindows

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