Categories: Life Bytes

That was the year that was…

Well, we’ve come to an end of yet another spectacular year (2006). For me, 2006 added some new and interesting data in my brain’s hard drive. And it’s in this particular year that i prove to many that you can really do more than 4 tasks at a time and licking your elbow is not impossible! 🙂 Early 2006, it was a hectic period, mainly due to some heavy assignments for various courses, especially Co-Curriculum Management in which we need to organise two projects and we managed to accomplish those projects brilliantly.

It is also a year of magnificient learning experience when i was doing my teaching practice in SMK Sungai Tapang, 7th Miles. Yeah, it’s not much of teaching experience, but learning. From small, many said i can be a good teacher, and when i was in that school, i realise that to be a good teacher, you need to be a great learner. Yes! It’s true. Imagine dealing with a class of “hopefulls” who can actually watch 3GP porn videos on their mobiles while you’re in class! Well, that was during the first week. The following weeks, i become their “taiko”. Haha. Some may think that i created miracles, when the students only looked forward for my class, with nobody ponteng and some “outsiders” from other classes craving to be allowed into the class! I love them so much that i wrote a poem for them, a poem that inspires them to write one for me! Their very first poem! Despite their wrong spellings and rhymes, i was so touched that i cried and …they too.

Then came my first semester in my final year (At last!). Nothing much happened apart from the Fatal Year Project (FYP). I was lucky as i started early, during the teaching practice and the extravagance of World Cup 2006 (see, i told you, who said multi-tasking is not possible?). I spend some time in between lesson planning to read up for my FYP topics and collect related materials. Well, it’s been a fruitful year for me. Can’t imagine, i’m living in this world for 23 years now. I can still remember most of my activities when i was 3 years old. Damn! I miss those days. Ie: lying naked on the floor, playing sand, and not forgetting “swimming” in the mud! Wahaha. Goodbye 2006 and Hello 2007!

P/s: if you wanna know how to lick your elbow with your tongue, ask me! Haha.


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  • Hi Keeman! Can you could give me some tips? I'm going for my teaching practice the end of this semester. I'm sooo nervous! I'd love to be an inspiration to my future students.

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